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Molinaro Introduces Bipartisan Bill To Lower Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions In Upstate NY

Binghamton, NY — U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-NY-19) and U.S. Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX-30) introduced the Enteric Methane Innovation Tools for Lower Emissions and Sustainable Stock (EMIT LESS) Act, which mitigates the negative environmental impacts of methane by incentivizing dairy farmers to adopt clean energy practices.

Specifically, the EMIT LESS Act:

  • Creates methane product and practice testing capacity through the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Agricultural Research Service.

  • Establishes and expands training programs that familiarize farmers and ranchers with practices that reduce methane emissions.

  • Adds practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including methane, under USDA's Conservation Innovation Grant’s On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trials.

  • Directs USDA to review conservation practice standards that can assist in reducing methane, revise those as needed, and establish any appropriate new standards.

  • Amends USDA’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program and Conservation Stewardship Program to provide financial incentives for farmers and ranchers to voluntarily use products and implement practices that reduce methane.

Rep. Molinaro said, “I’m a conservationist. Incentivizing dairy farmers to implement clean and efficient energy practices will further our cause and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I'm proud to deliver for the dairy industry and protect our environment alongside Rep. Crockett."

Rep. Crockett said, “From an ice-cold glass of milk to freshly churned ice cream, farm-fresh cheese to a rare steak, American beef and dairy is the best on planet Earth – but for decades, that excellence has come at a high emission cost to our environment. With the introduction of our EMIT Less Act, we have the potential to expand the use of low-emission cattle feed and reduce the environmental cost of grazing without spiking costs for farmers and producers already under strain from overseas competition with poor environmental standards. In a divided Congress, I am grateful to work alongside my Freshman colleague Rep. Molinaro to advance this bill with support from both producers and conservationists. This legislation is proof that putting farmers and ranchers first doesn’t mean putting the environment last!”

The Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance (FACA) said, “The Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance (FACA) commends Representatives Molinaro and Crockett for supporting farmers and ranchers’ voluntary efforts to reduce methane emissions from ruminant livestock. The bipartisan EMIT LESS Act will bolster ongoing, farmer-led efforts to address enteric methane emissions and support research on the efficiency and environmental benefits associated with novel feed additives.”

Mike Barnes, Agri-Mark Family Dairy Farms Director, Mount Upton, New York said, “Upstate New York dairy farmers like me are always eager to embrace new and innovative technologies, including feed additives that can enhance our sustainability efforts. USDA conservation programs are well-positioned to support uptake of these products once approved. I thank my Representative, Marc Molinaro, for co-authoring the bipartisan EMIT LESS Act to better target USDA voluntary conservation programs toward helping farmers with sustainable feed management.” 

Gregg Doud, President and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation said, “Innovative feed ingredients will help U.S. dairy farmers bolster their already robust voluntary environmental stewardship efforts. But they will need resources and support as they start using approved enteric methane-reducing feed additives. We commend Representatives Marc Molinaro, R-NY, and Jasmine Crockett, D-TX, for introducing the bipartisan EMIT LESS Act, which would better tailor USDA voluntary conservation programs to sustainable on-farm feed management."

Andrew Lentz, Director of Federal Affairs of Agriculture Policy at the Environmental Defense Fund said, “Reducing enteric methane emissions from livestock is one of the most urgently needed climate solutions, and the EMIT LESS Act will advance climate-smart livestock production by providing financial incentives, technical assistance and research to farmers seeking innovative new tools for their operations. The EMIT LESS Act will set U.S. farms and ranches up for success now and into the future, and we thank Rep. Molinaro for his leadership on this issue."

Michael Dykes, D.V.M., President and CEO of International Dairy Foods Association said, “The EMIT LESS Act will support the adoption of science-based enteric methane reduction products and practices within the dairy supply chain that help U.S. dairy processors meet their ambitious emissions reduction commitments. IDFA is grateful to Reps. Molinaro and Crockett for leading this effort to provide farmers and ranchers with safe and effective technologies that will help ensure the voluntary, incentive-based U.S. approach to reducing emissions in the food and beverage industry is successful."

David Hong, Washington Director at the Breakthrough Institute said, "New technologies and practices will play a key role in enabling U.S. beef and dairy producers to both reduce enteric methane emissions and increase the productivity of their operations. The EMIT LESS Act will provide much-needed support for research on emerging solutions with potential to reduce enteric methane, without compromising animal health or safety, and empower producers to implement voluntary on-farm emission reduction strategies. We commend Representatives Molinaro and Crockett for their bipartisan leadership on this legislation that will bolster the long-term sustainability and profitability of animal agriculture."

Charles Brooke, Program Lead of Livestock Enteric Methane Mitigation at Spark Climate Solutions said, "Developing new solutions to reduce methane emissions from livestock supports the long established and continuing journey of sustainability for farmers and ranchers, and will give them the tools to mitigate climate change. The EMIT LESS Act has the potential to accelerate the development and adoption of these tools and strategies. We thank Representatives Molinaro and Crockett for their leadership on this consequential bill, and we look forward to the innovation it will create."

Chuck Conner, President & CEO of National Council of Farmer Cooperatives said, “I would like to thank Congressman Molinaro and Congresswoman Crockett for introducing the EMIT LESS act. This bill is needed and will allow our nation’s livestock producers to be better positioned to compete in the global climate economy. This bill empowers USDA to direct resources to voluntary livestock practices that have incredible potential to reduce GHG emissions and increase profitability for our nation’s livestock producers."

Clean Air Task Force said, “Currently, farmers have limited options to reduce enteric emissions. This important legislation supports research and development of technologies, practices to close this gap across different production systems, and rapid implementation by farmers. The more technologies that are available to farmers, the more opportunities they have to access important revenue streams such as carbon markets, further accelerating reduction in enteric methane emissions."

Constance Cullman, President and CEO of American Feed Industry Association said, “We appreciate Representatives Molinaro and Crockett for introducing a bipartisan bill that enhances our nation's agricultural research and conservation efforts while acknowledging the critical role that animal nutrition and innovative feed ingredients play in lowering on-farm enteric methane emissions. The EMIT LESS Act demonstrates our country's commitment to investing in a more sustainable future alongside animal food innovators."

Pat Maloney, Director of Government and Industry Affairs at Danone North America said, “Danone is taking action to reduce methane emissions in our fresh milk supply by 30% by 2030. We are investing in farming partners to support and increase implementation of regenerative agriculture practices and innovative technologies that address methane from enteric fermentation. Reducing livestock methane emissions is vital for mitigating climate change, alongside efforts in decreasing carbon dioxide emissions. We thank Rep. Molinaro and Crockett for this important bi-partisan legislation for prioritizing the funding and training necessary to help U.S. agricultural producers accelerate the deployment of new tools necessary to mitigating methane.”

The EMIT LESS Act is endorsed by the Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance, Dairy Farmers of America, Environmental Defense Fund, National Milk Producers Federation, Danone North America, Breakthrough Institute, American Feed Industry Association, Clean Air Task Force, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Environmental Working Group, International Dairy Foods Association, McDonald’s, Bipartisan Policy Center Action, and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.