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ICYMI: Why I Voted For The 2024 Farm Bill

Oneonta, NY – U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) penned an op-ed published in The Daily Star outlining Upstate New York priorities included in the 2024 Farm Bill that delivers relief for farmers and working families.

The Daily Star 

Why I voted for the 2024 Farm Bill

By Congressman Marc Molinaro (NY-19):

When I ran for Congress, I promised to fight for the families and farmers who call Upstate New York home. Over the past year and a half, I’ve held 11 town hall meetings, three Farm Bill listening sessions, and met with hundreds of Upstate New Yorkers to understand their struggles and aspirations.

The 2024 Farm Bill, which I proudly supported in the House Agriculture Committee, is a culmination of these efforts. This bill is not just a legislative package; it’s a lifeline for our community that delivers real relief to those who need it most and includes 10 bipartisan measures that I wrote to solve problems Upstate New Yorkers brought to me. Here’s how.

Strengthening Nutrition Assistance For Working Families 

Growing up on food stamps, I understand firsthand the importance of robust nutrition assistance programs. These programs were a critical safety net for my family, helping us climb out of poverty. Today, many families in Upstate New York face similar challenges, exacerbated by rising food costs.

This Farm Bill provides much-needed relief to working families in Upstate New York by bolstering nutrition assistance programs and addressing food insecurity head-on. It's a comprehensive approach designed to ensure that no one in our community goes hungry.

Central to these efforts is the expansion of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), ensuring that benefits continue to grow to keep pace with inflation. Additionally, it allows recipients to purchase more fruits and vegetables and extends SNAP benefits to working individuals with disabilities aged 17 to 21, ensuring families with disabilities don’t inadvertently disqualify themselves from nutrition assistance programs.

Beyond SNAP enhancements, the Farm Bill allocates additional funding to food banks and includes legislation I championed to ensure seniors in rural areas, those with disabilities, and individuals facing mobility challenges have access to home delivery services from food banks. By prioritizing these measures, the Farm Bill offers tangible relief to working families in Upstate New York. 

Supporting Farmers & Strengthening Agriculture

Amidst mounting pressures on farmers, the 2024 Farm Bill provides genuine relief, giving our agricultural industry the breathing space it sorely needs. Tailored to address the specific challenges confronting our farming community, this bill encompasses a suite of measures designed to foster sustainability and growth.

Of note, the bill includes bipartisan measures I wrote and fought to include that strengthen the Dairy Margin Coverage safety net program, increase funding to support farm families with disabilities, and deliver more support to organic farmers and those producing specialty crops like apples, Christmas trees, and grapes. 

To help save farmers money, I also pushed for inclusion of bills I authored to address local issues like making efficient pump & irrigation systems more accessible to farmers, authorizing low-interest loans to businesses investing in food supply chain operations, and a measure that helps rural communities access federal funding for infrastructure that prevents costly flooding. 

Taken together, these initiatives implement a holistic approach to support farmers and fortify agriculture in Upstate New York. By tackling pressing challenges head-on, the 2024 Farm Bill lays the groundwork for a resilient and prosperous agricultural sector, one that can sustain itself and allow family farming to live on. 

A Commitment to Upstate New York

I asked to serve on the House Agriculture Committee because I knew the critical role the Farm Bill plays in shaping agricultural and food policy. This bill is a big deal for Upstate New York, delivering real relief to our farmers and working families. By addressing the pressing issues of rising costs, food insecurity, and agricultural stability, the 2024 Farm Bill offers a comprehensive solution tailored to the needs of our community.

My vote for this bill was a vote for the hardworking families and farmers of Upstate New York. I am committed to continuing to listen, learn, and advocate for policies that support our community’s well-being and prosperity. This Farm Bill is a significant step in that ongoing journey.