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Rep. Molinaro Leads Farm Bill Listening Session with Chairman of House Agriculture Committee & Local Farmers, Producers, Business Owners

Binghamton, NY  U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today led a Farm Bill listening session at the Broome County Regional Farmers Market with U.S. Rep. Glenn "GT" Thompson (PA-15), Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, as well as local farmers, producers, agribusiness owners, and other stakeholders. Rep. Molinaro was also joined by U.S. Reps. Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Nick Langworthy (NY-23), Rep. Derrick Van Orden (WI-03), and local public officials from both sides of the aisle.

The Farm Bill is passed every five years and is up for renewal this year. The bill sets agricultural, food, and nutrition policy in the United States. During the listening session, participants shared their priorities for the development of the 2023 Farm Bill. The full event can be viewed here.

Following the listening session, Rep. Molinaro and Chairman Thompson visited the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, which receives federal funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Here, they met with researchers who are working on projects that promote diverse, sustainable, and viable agriculture and food systems.

Rep. Molinaro said, “I’ve prioritized creating forums and opportunities for Upstate New Yorkers to share their feedback on issues and legislation that matter to them. Today’s Farm Bill listening session was a continuation of that effort.”

Rep. Molinaro continued, “The Farm Bill is passed every five years and sets agricultural and nutrition policy in Upstate New York and across the country. By convening this forum and bringing the Chair of the House Agriculture Committee to our community, I’m ensuring Upstate New York’s priorities are heard and represented in this bill.”

Chairman Thompson said, “To craft an effective Farm Bill, we must prioritize the needs of our nation’s farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers. I'd like to thank Rep. Molinaro for hosting today's listening session in New York. The feedback we received is crucial guidance for the framework of this legislation.”

For more photos from the event, click here.