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Rep. Molinaro Announces $600K in Federal Funds to Improve Road Safety in Ithaca

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today announced $600,000 in federal funds for the City of Ithaca to make improvements to roadway safety.

The funds for these improvements are from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s (BIL) Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program. With these funds, the City of Ithaca will develop a comprehensive safety action plan that aims to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.

Rep. Molinaro said, “Ensuring our roads are safe for motorists is one of the most fundaments roles of our government. The bipartisan infrastructure law delivered investments to begin addressing the abysmal state of our nation’s roads and bridges. I look forward to helping oversee the rollout of federal funds from this law on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee to ensure Upstate New York receives its fair share.”

Last week, Rep. Molinaro was selected to serve on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, where he will be tasked with overseeing the rollout of the BIL. Rep. Molinaro will participate in his first House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee hearing tomorrow.