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Rep. Molinaro to President Biden: Campaigning Can Wait, Crises Can’t

Molinaro Urges Bipartisan Action on Debt Crisis, Inflation Crisis, Border Crisis— As Biden Heads to NY to Campaign

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today released a video message urging President Joe Biden to end the political games and work in a bipartisan manner to address the debt crisis, inflation crisis, and border crisis. Rep. Molinaro released this message amid reports that President Biden is leaving Washington, DC to attend political fundraisers in New York City and deliver a partisan, campaign-style speech in the Hudson Valley.

Rep. Molinaro’s message can be viewed here. The transcript can be found below:

I’m here in Washington, DC. President Biden should be too.

Instead, he’s hopping on Air Force 1 today to attend political fundraisers in New York City and then, to make a partisan speech in the Hudson Valley.

We are on the verge of a debt crisis, and already facing an inflation crisis and a border crisis. In the House, we’re addressing these issues. Last month, I voted to lift the debt ceiling and curb out-of-control spending. This week, I’m supporting legislation to strengthen border security.

So far, Biden has refused to engage in good-faith, bipartisan negotiations on any of these issues.                                                                         

By design or default, this nation elected a divided government – with Democrats controlling the White House and Senate, and Republicans controlling the House. Bipartisanship and compromise are necessary to move the ball forward. I’m here in Washington ready to work with anyone who will approach these issues in an honest and earnest way.

I urge President Biden to end the partisan games, return to Washington, and negotiate.