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Bipartisan Molinaro Bill Headed To Floor, Will Create Website To Help Individuals with Disabilities Access Support Services

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-NY-19) today announced his Think DIFFERENTLY Database Act has passed out of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and will advance to the House Floor. Rep. Molinaro has passed 54 bipartisan measures with six being standalone bills and has had 12 measures signed into law. He was ranked the second most bipartisan member of Congress by the nonpartisan Lugar Center and is in the top five for most bills passed in Congress.

Individuals with disabilities, families, and caregivers are currently forced to navigate a confusing patchwork of federal, state, and local resources to find and access the services they need. Rep. Molinaro’s bill creates a comprehensive and easy-to-access national website that connects individuals with disabilities to local support services and resources. He introduced this bill alongside U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ-11). Read more here.

Rep. Molinaro said, “As a father of four children, one of whom has a disability – I’ve been there. Families with disabilities often don’t know where to turn to get support. My bipartisan bill creates a first-of-its-kind national website so families can easily locate local services."

The Think DIFFERENTLY Database Act builds off Rep. Molinaro's nationally recognized ‘Think DIFFERENTLY’ initiative, which aims to break down barriers for individuals with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities. In Congress, Rep. Molinaro has built on the effort by crafting a package of bipartisan legislation, calling for the passage of a series of bills that remove barriers in key areas of society for individuals with disabilities.