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Rep. Molinaro Blasts Gov. Hochul’s Budget on House Floor for Stealing Federal Funds From Programs Vulnerable New Yorkers Rely On

Molinaro: Stop Hochul’s Medicaid Theft

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today blasted New York State Governor Kathy Hochul’s budget on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. The budget steals a billion dollars in Congressionally-appropriated Medicaid funds from local programs that vulnerable New Yorkers rely on.

Rep. Molinaro’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, can be found below, and viewed here.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to voice my strong opposition to Governor Hochul’s budget proposal.

Each year, Congress directs billions of Medicaid dollars to state and local government to administer programs that help our most vulnerable neighbors.

Governor Hochul’s budget puts these programs and the people served at risk. Her budget steals one billion in Federal Medicaid dollars from the most vulnerable to subsidize a bloated and broken state bureaucracy. It puts programs that are meant to serve hungry children, impoverished seniors, and working mothers on the chopping block.

That’s what’s at risk. Things like: food assistance, senior nursing care, and addiction treatment services.

Gov. Hochul is stealing from programs that help children, seniors, and those living in poverty – and putting Albany bureaucracy in control of another billion in taxpayer dollars. Oppose this budget and protect the most vulnerable of our neighbors across New York. 

Thank you Mr. Speaker and I yield back.
