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Molinaro Slams Biden For Political Speech in Hudson Valley, While Taking No Action to Avoid Default

Molinaro: Biden Should Stop Campaigning & Start Negotiating to Avoid Default

Leeds, NY –  U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) released the following statement on reports that President Biden will visit the Hudson Valley on Wednesday, May 10th to make a political speech about the debt ceiling:

“Last month, the House of Representatives, with my support, passed legislation to lift the debt ceiling. President Biden can back this legislation or engage in good-faith, bipartisan negotiations to find common ground to avoid a default and bend the unsustainable rate of federal spending. So far, he has done neither. Instead, President Biden plans to leave negotiators behind in Washington and travel to the Hudson Valley to make a political speech.

“President Biden’s game of chicken is dangerous. Our financial system, Social Security & Medicare, veterans benefits, and checks for servicemembers are hanging in the balance because he is refusing to take action. President Biden needs to stop campaigning and start negotiating.”