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Rep. Molinaro Hosts Binghamton Black Bears In DC To Celebrate Championship Win

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Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today spoke on the House Floor to celebrate the Binghamton Black Bears for winning the Commissioner’s Cup Championship and last week was joined in DC by Black Bears owner Andreas Johansson.

On Friday May 10th, the Binghamton Black Bears won the Commissioner’s Cup Finals, their first title in franchise history and the first time a professional team has brought home a championship to Binghamton since 2011. 

Photos from the day can be found here. Rep. Molinaro’s remarks on the House Floor can be found below and viewed here.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the Binghamton Black Bears on winning this year’s Commissioner’s Cup Championship. Not only is this the team’s first title in franchise history, but it’s also the first time a professional team has brought a championship back to Binghamton since 2011.

Binghamton is a hockey town, and we are grateful to the Black Bears for choosing our city to plant their roots in 2021.

We’re even more proud to now call ourselves champions.

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to attend a game that ended in a thrilling overtime victory.

This team is gritty, resilient, and reflective of our city. It was clear to me then, and ever more apparent watching their incredible playoff run.

Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues in the House join me in congratulating Black Bears owner Andreas Johansson, head coach Brant Sherwood and the entire staff, and of course, the Binghamton Black Bears players, led by captain Tyson Kirkby.

Congratulations to our Binghamton Black Bears!