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At Molinaro’s Request, County Executive Steve McLaughlin Testified Before Congressional Committee On Refusal To Follow Cuomo’s Deadly Nursing Home Order

Washington, DC – ICYMI: U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) invited Rensselaer County Executive Steve McLaughlin to testify before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Tuesday

Rep. Molinaro said, “Steve was one of the few to stand up and say no to Cuomo, no to the nonsensical mandates, and no to the restrictions on healthcare freedom. He did it to protect Rensselaer County and I was glad to hear his testimony.”

In remarks entered into the official record, County Executive McLaughlin testified, “On March 25, 2020, then-Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Health Commissioner Howard Zucker issued without warning the directive that COVID positive patients be placed into nursing homes across the state. The directive also commanded that no patient being transferred could be tested. There was obvious concern, but Cuomo demanded compliance. Despite the demands, I was the only County Executive to refuse Cuomo’s deadly order. At great expense and risk both personal and professional, I never allowed COVID patients to be forced into the Van Rensselaer Manor nursing home operated by Rensselaer County. We also tested those being transferred to our nursing home.”

County Executive McLaughlin continued, “The stand I took and that protected our county nursing home was informed by principles of common sense, compassion and conscience. As County Executive, I took an oath to protect the residents of our county and that oath was never more needed than when the Cuomo order of March 25, 2020 was issued. At my direction, Rensselaer County took the right stand. But Cuomo and his allies wasted no time in reminding us that we stood against the full power of New York State. Just days after our refusal became public, we began to be targeted by “surprise” inspections in all areas of county government. Fines were levied and threats were made. While initially criticized in some areas of the media in 2020 for taking the stand against the deadly order, history shows the decision was correct and saved lives.”

County Executive McLaughlin concluded, “Time has unraveled the truth and we now see the Cuomo-Zucker policies for what they were - as driven by misinformation, politics, personal agendas and yes, prospective book deals. What occurred in New York State during the pandemic was a scar on science, an insult to public health and the cause of almost immeasurable tragedy for so many in our state. The most powerful in our state refused to care for the weakest and most vulnerable among us when it was needed most.”