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Rep. Molinaro Requests $41 Million in Federal Funds for Community Development Projects in NY-19

Molinaro Requests Funding to Improve Infrastructure, Aid Veterans, Expand Mental Healthcare, and Support First Responders

Binghamton, NY – U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today announced he is requesting $41 million in federal funding for community development projects in New York’s 19th Congressional District.

Each year, the House Appropriations Committee collects community development project requests from Members of Congress for consideration in the upcoming appropriations bill. These requests direct funding to local government or non-profit entities to carry out specific projects that are eligible for federal support and benefit the local community.

This year, Rep. Molinaro is requesting that the House Appropriations Committee approve $41 million in federal funding for community projects in New York’s 19th Congressional District. Funding from Rep. Molinaro’s requests will go toward projects that improve roadways and water infrastructure, provide housing to veterans, expand mental healthcare, and help EMS agencies upgrade equipment and facilities.

Rep. Molinaro said, “I’m fighting to secure investments in Upstate New York and uplift our communities. These transformative projects will improve our infrastructure, provide essential services to our veterans, expand mental healthcare, and enhance the quality of life for all residents. I am immensely proud to be working to making Upstate New York a better place to live, work, and raise a family.”

A list of the requests Rep. Molinaro made and brief descriptions of the projects can be found here and below:

Recipient: Broome County

Project Name: Broome County Veterans Resource Center

Request Amount: $1,000,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used to supplement the construction costs of new housing to be built on an empty residential lot along a county-owned bus route in downtown Binghamton, where any veteran may find temporary/permanent shelter.

Recipient: Village of Monticello

Project Name: Village of Monticello Water Treatment Plant Improvements

Request Amount: $4,000,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used to build a new water treatment plant with all new treatment units, sodium hypochlorite instead of gas chlorine for disinfection, all new distribution pumps, and a new clear well.

Recipient: Village of Athens

Project Name: Village of Athens Wastewater Plant Rehabilitation

Request Amount: $2,400,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for repair of the wastewater collection and treatment infrastructure which is currently operating over capacity and has major repair needs due to cracked pipes.

Recipient: Town of Chenango

Project Name: Town of Chenango Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements

Request Amount: $5,000,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used to improve water infrastructure and address significant water quality issues.


Recipient: Columbia County

Project Name: Columbia County Wellness Hub

Request Amount: $5,000,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for a stabilization center that would house various local providers including a mental health clinic, case management services, peer services, social services, and more.


Recipient: City of Binghamton

Project Name: Henry Street Connective Corridor

Request Amount: $5,000,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for a complete reconstruction and streetscape improvements including narrowing the travel lanes of Henry Street and eliminating unnecessary slip lanes, addressing the perceived impact on safety due to lack of lighting, pedestrian crossings, ADA dropped curbs, and storm management.


Recipient: City of Norwich          

Project Name: City of Norwich Sanitary Sewer System Repairs

Request Amount: $2,473,437

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for the replacement of the sewer system.


Recipient: Town of Oneonta

Project Name: Oneonta West Main Street Water & Sewer Extension Project

Request Amount: $4,200,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for installation 7,000 linear feet of sewer and water lines and associated laterals, meters, and hookups.


Recipient: Town of Kinderhook

Project Name: Town of Kinderhook Water System Improvement Project

Request Amount: $1,200,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for a new water source, add roughly two miles of new water line, and replace a section of existing, end-of-life water line.


Recipient: Greene County Highway & Solid Waste Department

Project Name: Leeds Main Street Improvement Project

Request Amount: $2,400,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for stormwater and road improvements and curb and sidewalk improvements.


Recipient: Sullivan County

Project Name: Old Route 17 Corridor Infrastructure Project

Request Amount: $2,852,160

Request Explanation: The funding would be used to advance critical water upgrades to resolve existing water quality issues and for the extension and upgrade of the water distribution line town water line and to connect it to the Commercial Industrial Zone on Old Route 17 in Liberty.


Recipient: Marathon Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Project Name: Marathon Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc.’s New Ambulance Station Construction Project

Request Amount: $975,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for a new ambulance station.


Recipient: Town of Roxbury

Project Name: Roxbury and Grand Gorge Water System Improvements

Request Amount: $2,400,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for stormwater and road improvements and curb and sidewalk improvements.


Recipient: Village of Trumansburg

Project Name: Trumansburg New Emergency Medical Services and Fire Station Building

Request Amount: $3,500,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for construction of a new Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) facility to provide sufficient space for both Fire/EMS staff and add more garage bays for Emergency Service Vehicles.


Recipient: Town of Ulster

Project Name: Water District Tank Replacement

Request Amount: $1,444,000

Request Explanation: The funding would be used for the replacement of a water tank.