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Molinaro Urges Immediate Action for the SafeReturn of American Citizens Stranded in Israel

Washington, DC – U.S Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today urged Secretary of State Antony Blinken to take immediate action to ensure the safe return of American citizens stranded in Israel.

Reports indicate at least 11 Americans have been killed in the surprise Hamas attack on Israel and U.S. citizens are likely among the hostages being held in Gaza. Rep. Molinaro and his office have been communicating with Upstate New Yorkers who are in Israel and trying to escape, and so far have helped get over a dozen people out.  However, escaping is becoming increasingly difficult with flights being canceled and many airlines suspending operations in the region.

In a letter to Secretary Blinken, Rep. Molinaro requested information on how the State Department will prevent Americans from being stranded in Israel.

Rep. Molinaro said, “Israel is at war. We have been working to help Upstate New Yorkers escape Hamas’s terror campaign, but know there are still more fleeing and running out of options. We must act swiftly and decisively to bring Americans home. My office remains ready to assist. If you need help, contact us at (518) 625-2100.”

The full text of the letter can be found here:

Dear Secretary Blinken,

I am incredibly concerned for several of my constituents who are currently in Israel and need assistance returning to the United States. After the recent horrific attacks perpetrated by Hamas and the subsequent declaration of war by Israel, I seek information regarding what steps are being taking to ensure the safe return of my constituents and other American citizens.

I am absolutely disgusted by the surprise and ongoing attacks against the innocent people of Israel. Tragically, over 700 people in Israel have died and over2,000 injured. Additionally, there are thousands of American citizens currently in Israel who seek to return to the United States, including many of my constituents. There is grave urgency in this matter as attacks from Hamas are ongoing and there are reports of Americans being taken as hostages.

Flights are being canceled and many airlines are suspending operations in the region, stranding thousands. While I appreciate the efforts the State Department is taking during this awful situation, I need to know what is being done to expeditiously assist American citizens. Therefore, I request answers to the following questions as soon as possible:

  1. How many American citizens are currently in Israel?
  2. What, if any, outreach is being done to reach out and assist these individuals?
  3. What actions is the State Department taking to help American citizens who need assistance to return to the United States?
  4. Are there any actions being taken to increase the number of flights outgoing from Israel to the United States?

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your response and stand by ready to help in any way I can.