Press Releases
Molinaro Helps Negotiate Government Funding Bill to Avert Shutdown, Curb Unsustainable Federal Spending, Address NY Migrant Crisis
September 17, 2023
Binghamton, NY — U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) tonight announced a deal has been reached between the House Republican Main Street Partnership (RMSP) and House Freedom Caucus on legislation to avert a government shutdown, bend federal spending, and secure the border. As a member of the governing-minded RMSP, Rep. Molinaro played a key role in negotiating the deal, drafted provisions, and helped find common ground. The deal will extend government funding by 30 days so negotiations on a long-term bipartisan government funding bill can continue. The deal also funds veterans and defense programs at 100%, funds all other government programs at 99%, includes funding to secure the border and a provision that Rep. Molinaro ensured inclusion of to prevent federal funds from being used on transporting migrants. This provision will help thwart NYC’s plans to move migrants to Upstate NY. A vote is expected to take place in the House on Wednesday. After it passes, the Senate will then need to pass the measure and the President must sign it. Rep. Molinaro said, “I will not accept a government shutdown as inevitable. It would impact real families throughout our country and in Upstate New York.“ Rep. Molinaro continued, “Smaller, smarter, and more secure are the three principles that guided these negotiations. The Federal Government spends too much of your money and there is a crisis at the border that has spread to New York State. This deal bends the current rate of spending, averts a government shutdown, and secures the border to stem the migrant crisis.”