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Rep. Molinaro Statement on Government Funding Ahead of September 30 Deadline

Molinaro to White House & Congressional Leaders: Pass Bipartisan Funding Bill to Keep Government Open

Binghamton, NY – U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today released the following statement, calling on the White House and Congressional Leaders to begin work immediately to pass a bipartisan government funding bill before funding expires on September 30:

“Continuing to spend beyond our means hurts our economy and mortgages away our children’s future. A shutdown would impact working families, seniors, service members, veterans, and the most vulnerable among us. To avoid this, we need serious negotiations and a bipartisan agreement. I am working to and support keeping the government open while bending the current rate of unsustainable federal spending.

“As a Mayor and County Executive I delivered balanced budgets – understanding that our government must be responsible to taxpayer and the country. Partisan posturing and paralysis in Washington has to stop getting in the way of sensible fiscal policy. Time is of the essence; I urge the White House and Congressional Leaders to deliver a bipartisan government funding agreement that keeps the government open and uses taxpayer dollars more wisely.  I support and am working for a smaller, smarter and more efficient federal government.”